Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rolling Along

Been on one of those weeks. Driving and sleeping and not much time for anything else. From California to Houston Texas, up to Ottawa Kansas and now going to Louisville Kentucky (maybe I'll get to see the Ice damage from the other day) Got a few more pictures of the fire damage in Los Angeles (pictures).Looks like the remains of a trailer park.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fire Damage in California

Went by some of the fire damage from a few months back in Southern California. Pictures show what used to be a trailer park. Looks like everything was completely burned and only foundations remain.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Across New Mexico and Arizona

Spent Saturday evening driving on I-40 and a beautiful sunset on the hills at the New Mexico/Arizona border. (pictures) Sunday morning the flatlands of Arizona lead to the mountains of Flagstaff. (Picture) -20 in Chicago Friday morning and in the 70's in New Mexico and Arizona Saturday and Sunday. From heater to Air Conditioner in 2 days. Weather never stays the same driving a truck as a truck driver never stays in one place long.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman
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The Leaning Tower of Texas

Along I-40 just outside of Groom TX, is what is left of an old truck stop, gone at least 15 years that I know of. What makes this place unusual is that an old water tower is leaning, but never falls over. A sign for the old truck stop remains and a minuature of the leaning tower is on the sign.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Global Warming??

Woke up in Kentucky Thursday morning to 15 degrees outside. A rest area on I-24 at Paduca KY is an old mansion that has been made into a combination rest area- museum(picture)Below 0 by 5pm outside Chicago, and down to -20 overnight. The cold sure fogs up the power plants. (picture)
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Monday, January 12, 2009

Civil War Monument

Along I-24,just west of Chattanooga TN, is "Lookout Mountain", a Southern Stronghold during the battle for Chattanooga. Right along the highway is a monument to the New York units who fought there.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to Georgia

Headed back to within 100 miles of where I was last week in Georgia. Even at the same truck stop in Kentucky this Sunday, that I was at last Sunday. Lucky, that I was in between storms in both directions in Utah and Wyoming, but my blue truck is so dirty with salt and road scum that it is almost white. Hope to find a good rain storm to wash it with. Snow covered through the pass on I-84(photos) in Utah, and the roads were Ice covered. Almost got me a 4 wheeler. The idiot was going too fast on the ice and spun out,and across the highway just in front of me. Luckily he slid into the center divider as it wasn't easy for me to stop on the ice to miss him.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fun and Games on I-80 Going West

Fun and games for 2 days in Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah. Flat tire first thing yesterday morning I had to fix. Fuel filter clogged up yesterday afternoon and had to travel 50 miles at 40-50 mph to get to Cheyenne Wyoming to replace it. Drove an extra 150 miles last night to get ahead of a storm coming in with 40-50 mph winds projected. Nice thing today was I was ahead of most of the wind and the roads were dry across Wyoming into Utah. The problem is I'm in Utah where they go overboard with the salt on the major highways, and make little or no effort on the side streets. Pretty scenery across Wyoming today with the hills dusted with snow (photos)
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Monday, January 5, 2009

Home of Superman??

From Kentucky across the Ohio River(picture)through Metropolis Illinois,home of Superman (picture) so the water tower says.I always thought Metropolis was a big city, but is only a little country town on I-64. Across the Mississippi River (picture) into Missouri and onto Nebraska. 650 miles today with a 62mph truck, in 11 hours.
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Four Days In Georgia

New Years Eve and New Years Day in Marietta Georgia. Went to Tennessee on Friday and brought the load back to McDonough Georgia that night, then sat all day Saturday. Foggy or rainy the whole time One thing about Georgia is it has to be the safest state in the country. All the local cops and sheriff's patrol the Interstates writing tickets and running speed traps all the time cause there ain't no crime to watch out for in town (yea right). Finally on the road again and headed to Utah
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

New Years in Georgia. Cold yesterday and rainy today. At least USC showed the world who is the best football team in the country. The BCS Bowl should be the BS Bowl
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman