Only on the road for 10 days, then back for a weeks vacation. Went from Fresno, south to Los Angeles, north to Oregon, east to Utah then Colorado, south again to Texas, then back to California. Parked at a truck stop at Weed California, where I had Mt Shasta as a backdrop (See picture).
Traveled US 97 along Klamath Lake Oregon (Picture) Heading east I took I-84 out of Oregon, which follows the Columbia River for quite a way. Note the insanity of today's world (Picture)with the pinwheels on the side of one of the most powerful rivers in the United States. All the water power going to waste instead of turning generators for electricity, and useless Government subsidized pinwheels being installed above the river.
From Oregon to Texas, I stayed only 12-24 hours for 4 days ahead of a large winter storm which dumped a couple of feet of snow across Wyoming and Colorado.
From Texas to California along I-10, ain't much to see but cactus and hills (Picture)
Keep on Truckin
The Iceman